Let the Games Begin: A Guide to Awesome Canine Playtime

 Playing games with your dog is a fun and impactful way to bond, provide mental and physical stimulation, and have a barking good time! Whether you're looking for an interactive toy game, a fun game of fetch, or an agility course, there are plenty of awesome games to choose from. In this post, I'll cover a variety of games that are perfect for any human and dog combo that wants to make unforgettable memories with their furry best friend.


The start us off, interactive toy games are a great way to challenge your dog's mind and provide mental stimulation. These games often involve hiding treats or toys for your dog to find and can be played indoors or outdoors. These types of games can help improve your dog's problem-solving skills and enhance you and your dog’s bond. Some popular examples of interactive toy games include puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and hide-and-seek games. When playing these games, it's important to start with easier challenges and gradually make them more difficult as your dog improves. And remember, enjoy the playtime with your pup!


A few enrichment ideas to get you started:

·       The Piggle from The Goodest Dogs

·       Dog Puzzle toys - work with your pup to help them learn the ins and outs of the game and start with a simple puzzle

·       Hide and seek - treats, ball, or a favorite toy; need to make sure it has a distinct smell to your dog


Ready, get set, FETCH! Fetch is a classic way to play with your dog and provide physical exercise. These games can be as simple as tossing a ball or toy for your dog to retrieve, or you can make it more complex with added rules and challenges. For example, you can add a wait or a hold command before releasing your dog to fetch. Just note, that you need to train with your dog to add these more complex rules and challenges. Overall, fetch games help to improve your dog's physical fitness, but they also provide an opportunity for your dog to work on their recall and obedience skills. A different type of challenge, try playing fetch in different environments such as a park or beach, or using different toys, like a ball or a frisbee, to keep the game fresh and exciting for your dog. When playing fetch, be sure to pay attention to your dog's energy level and take breaks as needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both of you. Lastly, during summer days play fetch in the early mornings when the ground will be cool and the temps will be safer for your dog!


Check out our favorite Fetch toys:

·       Kong Squeaker Ball

·       Chuck It Frisbee



Agility games are a fun and exciting way to challenge your dog both physically and mentally. These games involve your dog navigating a series of obstacles, such as jumps, tunnels, and weave poles, under your guidance. Agility games can be great for building trust and communication between you and your dog, as well as improving your dog's coordination and overall fitness. If you're interested in agility, you can enroll in an agility class to learn the proper techniques and receive instruction from a professional trainer. Just remember to keep the games fun and positive for your dog, and to adjust the difficulty level as needed to ensure your dog is successful and confident in their abilities.


Agility course resource: Canine PhD


Finally, training games are a fun and effective way to reinforce good behavior and build obedience skills in your dog. These games can be as simple as practicing basic commands such as sit, stay, and come, or can involve more advanced training exercises. Some of our favorite training exercises include a balanced sit known as “sit pretty” and “head down” when Piper is in a full down position. The “head down” trick is awesome for my photography with her and sit pretty is just super fun. We are still working up to photographing sit pretty. This is something I’ve had to work on with a lot of patience for my dogs and myself. We’ve been working on sit pretty for over a year, right now we are working on adding duration and distance so this can be a verbal command in the future when I’m behind the camera.



Training games help improve your dog's focus and attention, as well as increase their bond with you. To get started, try incorporating short training sessions into your daily routine, even 10 minutes makes a HUGE difference, using treats and praise as rewards for good behavior. As your dog becomes more confident and skilled, you can gradually increase the difficulty level of the training exercises. And remember, always make training a positive experience for your dog by keeping the sessions short and fun, and avoiding any form of punishment or negative reinforcement.


In conclusion, playing games with your dog is a pawsitively (see what I did there?) fantastic way to enhance your bond and provide mental and physical stimulation. From interactive toy games to fetch and agility, there's a game for every dog's taste. So, go ahead and unleash your inner game master and get ready to have a pawsitively awesome time with your furry friend. Just remember, the key to a successful game is to keep it fun, positive, and treat-filled for your pup. And who knows, you may just find yourself becoming the reigning champion of the canine game world. Happy tails!

Christi King Baker

Christi is an Atlanta based pet portrait photographer.


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